About Me

A college senior majoring in nutrition. Vegetarian, runner and coffee drinker. Lover of good wine, good reads and good music. On the road to recovery from anorexia.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Hey everyone! I’m Nicole and I’m a college student. I’m in no way a nutrionalist or exercise expert. My goal is just to show you what I eat and what kind of exerise I do daily. I’ve been inspired by many online blogs and decided to start my own. I'm currently working towards a degree in nutrition. I try to stay active everyday as well as try to fit in running. I pretty much follow a vegetarian diet since I was in 6th grade but I wouldn't consider myself to be on a diet. 
I suffered from anorexia in high school and into college. I would consider myself to be in recovery. Each day is a challenge and a life long battle. I take each day as it comes to me.
I’ll try to post something everyday if I can, but i’m a college student and that’s not always possible to do.
Some random facts: I love coffee, and tea. I can’t live without it. I’m a sucker for a good book. I love reading. I love starbucks and so far this year I’ve spent a good amount of my tutoring money on it. lol I love fashion and shopping and hanging w/ friends. Most importantly I love running and putting good fuel into my body. I also love watching movies and find reality TV to be a guilty pleasure. 
Ciao bella! 

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