About Me

A college senior majoring in nutrition. Vegetarian, runner and coffee drinker. Lover of good wine, good reads and good music. On the road to recovery from anorexia.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Busy busy busy

The best way that I can describe the past two weeks have been busy, busy and busy. The fall semester is still getting under way and Im still adjusting to dorm life once again. I love being home, sleeping in my own bed, eating home cooked meals, drinking great coffee and not having to share a room with anyone. Recently, I started dating a guy so obviously, there's the feelings of missing him. I do get to see him every Saturday and since Thursday is the big 2-1 for me, he's picking me up and I'll be home for four days. Also, the dorm Im currently living in, is still under construction. They are building a Dunkin, a sub shop and a quickie mart type store. Need less to say, the construction has been nonstop through the early mornings and even into 1am in the morning!

Ive also had my first full week of classes. Accounting which is required for my major is going to be the most challenging course of the semester. Its a lot of reading and the professor is kind of boring and needless to say, its a 7am class Monday and Thursday! Thank goodness for Venti coffee! Bio is one of my favorite classes, and I like the professor, theater and speech are both fun classes and both professors don't believe in grades so thats always a plus and my nutrition class so far isn't too shabby. We have a few quizzes throughout the semester and the big project is to take a recipe and deconstruct it, then recreate it in a new and unique way! Talk about a fun yet challenging course!

Since the gym is directly next to my building, Ive had no excuse not to work out and that's just what I have been doing! Everyday, I make sure I get my run or spin workout in plus I lift weights 3 times a week. I use to workout solely to lose weight but not anymore. I workout to relieve stress, stay tone and build up my muscle tone and arms.

The food on campus is typical for a college campus. It has its good and bad points but I mainly stick with fruit, vegetables, egg/egg whites, the soups aren't too bad, beans and cottage cheese. On the days where I have to wake up for accounting or on the weekend, I'll have a piece of fruit, a fiber one bar or a cup of cereal with almond milk. My goal still is to increase my calories a bit so Im not weak and tired all the time. I know being a nutrition major, how to eat healthy but struggling for years with certain issues has caused me once again to restrict my calories a bit too much. Im at a weight where Im comfortable but I know with the amount Ive been eating and how often I exercise, chances are, my weight is slowly decreasing again. Im trying to avoid that, so to get out of this rut, Ive been added 100 or so calories until Im at a healthier intake of calories. I can't just fill up on veggies and egg
whites all the time.

Have a great week!

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