About Me

A college senior majoring in nutrition. Vegetarian, runner and coffee drinker. Lover of good wine, good reads and good music. On the road to recovery from anorexia.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

New Year, New Me

Ah school! How many students dread the early morning classes, commute to school and the oh so exciting quizzes, exams and finals. Im starting my junior year of college and Im actually excited. Yesterday was the first day of classes and I had theater/ acting and speech. Both professors seemed really chill and both classes although require speaking in front of a group of my peers, definitely seem like they're going to be a lot of fun although hardish work. Today, I had my first 7am class! Required for a nutrition major is accounting which most likely will be the class that requires the most studying since Ive never taken an accounting course. This afternoon/evening, I had biology which Im really looking forward to. I always liked bio and the professor is great so far plus one of the assignments which is 25% of the overall grade is to go to either the Bodies Exhibit in NYC or the Natural museum, both really interest me and I know picking which museum to go to, might be the hardest part of the class. lol

Tomorrow, is Friday and the weekend! Luckily, how my schedule worked out with 17 credits, allows me to have Fridays off. Bio is 4 credits and one of my nutrition classes is also 4 credits.

Food wise, its the typical college dining experience. Lastly, its consisted of a piece of fruit for breakfast, egg whites, and loads of veggies at lunch and dinner. Gym wise, Ive gotten back to jogging for 45 min to an hour a day and lifting weights.

SO far, so good! Lets get this school year started out right!

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