About Me

A college senior majoring in nutrition. Vegetarian, runner and coffee drinker. Lover of good wine, good reads and good music. On the road to recovery from anorexia.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

May 1st and its a cold rainy day. By now, I would have thought the weather in Jersey would have reached the upper 70s. Unfortunately, this is not the case. This is the final stretch of the semester with a final Friday, a game of Jeopardy in Mythology next Tuesday and a collection of labs for my nutrition class next Wednesday night. Im actually moving out of my dorm on Saturday morning so yesterday I began to pack up my dorm room. Normally I probably would have moved out Tuesday but its much easier for my parents to come up on the weekend and unload my room. Plus, my roommate is a complete looney toon. I just know how to pick the best of the best for roommates. :P

Any who...today I went to the gym this morning and then around 2:45, Im going to walk over to the gym for yoga which will be from 3-4 at the rec center. I need to de-stress and unwind before I start my long trek of studying for finals. Im not too worried about my finals but I don't want to go into my exam not having cracked open my text book or even looked at my notes. That wouldn't be too smart considering Im looking at the moment at 3 As and 2 B/B+.

As for working out otherwise, Ive gone to the gym everyday since I got back from Easter break which was really a four day weekend. I can tell Im starting to tone up a bit and I might have actually lost a little bit of weight. Now Im focusing on maintaing my weight and building my endurance up so I can hopefully do well in a few 5K races this summer.

On to the eats! Normally when its final time, I get super stressed and restrict my intake quite a bit, sleep excessively and focus on studying. This seems to be the case and when I do try to increase my intake and add heathy choices since being a nutrition major, I know how to eat healthy, I have no appetite. Today for breakfast, I had the usually coffee with maybe 1/4 cup of canned pears ( yeah the school sucks with fresh fruit in the am hours) and about 3/4 cup of cottage cheese. Lunch was soup or more like broth with 1/4 cup of kidney beans and dinner will most likely be soup again.

By Sunday when Im finally settled back into my home, I will have my appetite back and most likely eat a normal size meal, not just soup twice a day.

Off to yoga! Have a great start to the month of May!

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